- What are nouns? They are naming words.
- Referring to: persons, places,
living and non-living things and sometimes feelings and emotions
- .How can they be classified?
- as Proper Nouns: Name of a person: Abraham Lincoln
- Name of a place: Washington.
- Name of a thing: Statue of Liberty.
- Name of a lake: Lake Superior.
- Remember: All these words start with a capital letter.
- As Common nouns: Jeans, spectacles, clothes, scissors they can be used only in plural forms.
- How can we divide common nouns? as countable nouns and uncountable nouns.
- Examples for countable nouns: fingers, hands, stars ,flowers,
- uncountable nouns: milk, sugar, gold, air, sand
- Give examples for Abstract nouns; ideas, troubles. lies which you cannot see or touch.
- Give examples for Concrete nouns: book, pencil ,eraser, dog, man, building. you can touch or see.
- Give examples for collective nouns: school, gang, bunch, flock.
- Give examples for uncountable abstract nouns: love, hatred, kindness, darkness.
- to know more in detail:
- refer:
- http://www.learngrammar.net/a/examples-of-proper-noun-common-noun
- Find out for yourself:
- Milk- you can touch and see so ------------noun.
- building- you can see and touch so----------noun.
- silver- you can see and touch.it is a ----------noun and uncountable noun.
- iron ----------------------------------noun.
- time-------------------noun.
- Make these words into abstract nouns:
- good, honest, real, short, deep, slave, enemy, friend, sister, king, using these suffixes . y, age, th, ery, ity, ship, hood. dom,ness
- Luggage, furniture are always in plural.
- Examples for concrete nouns: beach, rain, Shoulder, cathedral, people, world, food, watch,
- Examples for abstract nouns: vacation, pleasant, happy, 'pain, beauty, hunger, time, love,
- Examples for Abstract nouns: purity, honesty, length,' brotherhood, friendship, patience, hatred, racism,
- is trousers singular or plural?
- is information singular or plural?
- Learn Singular and plural forms of all nouns.
- https://www.ef.com/english-resources/english-grammar/singular-and-plural-nouns/
- Try all these, if you need any help contact:
- foryourcommentsonly@gmail.com OR geenrao19@gmail.com
- Blessings and best wishes,
living and non-living things and sometimes feelings and emotions
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